Picture of myself

Who am I?

Hi! Let me introduce myself… I am Magnus, I come from Denmark. I am currently studying Mechatronics at SDU in Sønderborg (5th Semester). On the side I have worked the last 3 years in the PMO as Junior Project Coordinator of a company consulting on offshore wind farm projects. The work has given me a deep understanding of project management according to the PMI standards, while also given me an opportunity to further enhance my coding skills (Read about my work here).

My main driving force is to solve real world problems and pushing technology forward, whether that is laying down a process, creating a product or simply creating a framework to work in. I am eager to learn more, and love a good challenge to help hone my skills. This vision led me to develop Seidr, a weather downtime tool allowing users to model complex wind turbine projects to find an estimated end date to their construction campaign. This project built on the knowledge I had obtained from reading the PMI BOK Construction Extension, while building a document management system internally in the company.

For me a good workplace is one where the team feeling extends further than just working hours. An ideal I follow being part of 2 student organizations, that try to strengthen social bonds between students. Furthermore, I like to spent my free time cooking, listen to music, and fly drones.

I am currently looking for work where I can utilize my multidisciplinary degree and potentially utilize my experience as Junior Project Coordinator. If you think my profile is interesting or want to hear more, feel free to reach out! I would always love to schedule a chat!